Lender Readiness

Did You Answer YES to any of these questions?

  • Would you like to have a better quality of life away from your business?
  • Is your cash flow what it should be?

Build, Grow, and Expand your Business

The old adage that it “takes money to make money” is true. Unfortunately, many business owners also find that it “takes credit to get credit.” With the PBR Management Lender Readiness program, this is not the case. Our Lender Readiness consulting work links corporate strategy, financial strategy, transactions and a capital markets perspective to help executives and their teams create value. We also help companies improve their investor relationship management and prepare for, and respond to, the approach of active investors.

Our Business foundation strategies can help you to:

  • Separate your business and personal credit. You’ll get a business credit profile that is strictly under your business name, separate from the personal credit report of the owners or officers of the business.
  • Create credibility for your business. Having business credit makes your organization a better candidate for business loans, leases, partnerships and government contracts.
  • Reduce your personal liability and risk. Establishing separate business credit will reduce your personal liability for your company’s financial commitments. A business failure does not have to result in a personal bankruptcy!
  • Build business credit reports and scores. As a result of our program, your business will be listed with all of the top business credit bureaus.
  • Save thousands of dollars in funding costs. Your solid business credit will help qualify you for lower interest rates on business loans.

Our programs help you align your finance function with your company’s strategic priorities by defining which finance sub-functions must be world-class, what it will take to build them and how to successfully transform the function. We also provide consultancy services to design and deliver development programs for business analysts at any level. We help define the knowledge and key skills required for new or existing roles, assessing current or required competency levels and putting in place development programs.

Some of the areas in which our team assist are:

  • Identifying Capital Markets
  • Transaction strategy and support
  • Exit Strategies/ Value Acceleration
  • CFO/Finance Functions
  • Credit Worthiness/ Corporate and portfolio strategy
  • Analyze and identify business financial needs and goals
  • Investor relationship management and equity story development

All of our solutions and services are essentially tailored. Consultancy rates are variable, depending on the effort and duration of the contract, geographical location and deliverables. We can discuss your requirements with you and provide rates on request. If you would like support in estimating the effort or duration of your piece of work please contact us with a statement of work to be undertaken (or job description), and we can estimate this for you.

For more information about our consultancy services please contact us.


Contact Us

Airport Industrial Park Dr,

Marietta, GA 30060



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